Task 44
Task 44
SHC Task 44

Solar and Heat Pump Systems

Task 44 - Meeting 6

October (8), 9-10, 2012 - Copenhagen, Denmark

The next IEA meeting will take place October 8-10 in Copenhagen. On October the 8th in the afternoon we will have an industry workshop at the Technological Institute in Taastrup and on October 9-10 we will have the internal task meeting at the Technical University (DTU) in Lyngby.

Preliminary program

Monday, October 8
13:30 -17:30 Industry workshop, language: English, Place: Technological Institute, Taastrup

  •  J.C. Hadorn: “general status and context of the IEA SHC Task 44 - HPP Annex 38 Solar and heat pump systems".
  • Sebastian Herkel:"Overview and classification of market available solar heat pump systems“
  • Ivan Katic: Market overview of Danish HP/solar thermal systems
  • Klaus Ellehauge: Monitoring of Danish HP/solar thermal projects
  • Steen Kramer Jensen, Insero: Measurement results and practical experience from an
    owner´s perspective
  • Jan Erik Nielsen – Task 45 on large HP/Solar systems
  • Christian Milan : Combined RE systems in buildings, simulation results
  • Manufacturers: Nordic Energy Group, Danfoss, Icopal?
  • Roundtable discussion, what is the best system? Input to Task 44.
    • Control concepts
    • Concepts/configuration
  • Visit to EnergyFlexhouse experimental low energy building with heat pump and solar

Tuesday, October 9
8:30 - 18:00 IEA SHC task 44 meeting, Technical University Lyngby
20:00 Task dinner in centre of Copenhagen

Wednesday, October 10
8:30 – 17:00 IEA SHC task 44 meeting, Technical University Lyngby


Suggested Hotels

Cabinn Scandinavia Hotel:  Block reservation of 60 single rooms. Rate is DKK 520 /night ex breakfast, DKK 590 kr including breakfast. Location is near Forum metro station with connection to Nørreport station, where you find bus 150 S to DTU. Please use attached reservation form.

First Hotel Skt Petri:  Single room DKK 876-­1200, the lowest price is only valid for non-­refundable online booking and payment. Located at Nørreport station, where you find bus 150 S to DTU.

First Hotel Vesterbro:  Single room DKK 612-­1200, the lowest price is only valid for non-­refundable online booking and payment. The hotel is located near the central station with S-­train connection to Nørreport station, where you find bus 150 S to DTU.


The Industry Workshop on October 8, 2012, will be held at:

Technological Institute in Taastrup

The Task Meeting will be held October 9-10, 2012, will be held at:

Technical University (DTU) in Lyngby

Additional Information

Payment Information

The meeting fee will include meeting facilities and lunch Tuesday and Wednesday, The dinner Tuesday evening will be sponsored by the company “Varmt Vand fra Solen”. The fee of 100 shall be paid in advance to Ekolab.

Bank: Boddum Ydby Sparekasse
Ydbyvej 183, Ydby
DK-7760 Hurup Thy
Account: 9121 0000051875
IBAN: DK8191210000051875, SWIFT = BOYDDK21

You have to do your own arrangements with hotels.

Contact Information

If you have more questions, contact Ivan Katic, ik@teknologisk.dk or Jean-Christophe Hadorn, jchadorn@baseconsultants.com.