Task 44
Task 44
SHC Task 44

Solar and Heat Pump Systems

Project (Task) Subtasks

Each Project (Task) is divided into several Subtasks. Below are the Subtasks that were associated with this Project (Task):

Subtask A:  Solutions and Generic Systems

(Leader: Sebastian Herkel, Germany, Fraunhofer ISE)

Its objective was to collect, create and disseminate information about the current and future solutions for combining solar thermal and heat pump to meet heat requirements of a one family house.

Subtask B:  Performance Assessment

(Leader: Ivan Malenkovic and Michael Hartl, Austria, AIT)

Its objective was to reach a common definition on what are the figures of merits of solar + heat pump systems and how to assess them.

Subtask C:  Modeling and Simulation

(Leader: Michel Haller, Switzerland, SPF Institut für Solartechnik)

Its objective was to provide modeling tools for complete generic systems and to report sensitivity analysis on most of the systems such as being able to pinpoint important features and marginal ones in a given system configuration.

Subtask D:  Dissemination and Market Support

(Leader: Wolfram Sparber Italy, EURAC)

Its objective was to provide information to the external world of Task 44 during the course of the Task so that value added created by the participants can be transferred as fast as possible to a growing market. A second objective was to deliver the final book of Task 44 aimed as a reference document in the field of solar heat and heat pumps.